2017 Student Spotlights

If you would like to turn the spotlight on a talented MusicLink alumnus, contact our coordinator:
David Kim (571-455-3044, jkim25@vcu.edu, or allforgood84@gmail.com).

November, 2017

Our new Student Spotlight is on 8th grader Teresa Sanchez from Nash, Texas. She has been Donayle Cardenas' piano student for over 3 years, and during that time she has been an example of discipline, dedication, respect and love for music, as well as an incredible human being. Her teacher said, "I have had the privilege of watching her grow. Her moral values and care for her family are outstanding. They are her biggest motivation. Teresa arrives smiling for every lesson, and shows outstanding improvement and that inspires me. She focuses, listens and follows directions, and the result is a beautiful and powerful musician, and a better comprehension of the interpretation of the musical form. She reminds me that sharing our gift with others is a way to give joy. Something that teachers sometimes forget."

"What I love about piano is that it relaxes me when I am stressed out." said Teresa. "It has been a really hard process to learn piano but I've done it and I am really proud of myself. When I grow up I want to be a psychologist so I can help other people. I also want to continue playing piano when I grow up."

Earlier this month Teresa participated in the James Herrin Piano Festival of Texarkana. She performed a clean and very emotional program, impressing the judges with her proper technique and earning her the Superior Award. Now Teresa is preparing to perform in two recitals in December as well as a Junior Festival: a charity event at the Alzheimer's Association of Texarkana. We wish her luck!


If you would like to turn the spotlight on a talented MusicLink alumnus, contact our coordinator:
David Kim (571-455-3044, jkim25@vcu.edu, or allforgood84@gmail.com).